Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Information/Instructional design

Information Design

Information Design is the way in which a design can give us some information and facts which would help us in some way. Information Design is very critical when it comes to the way it is delivered to the audience. Aesthetical aspects such as typography, images and information visualisation all take great part in how the audience will interpret the information. There is no purpose for information design if the user is unable to access what they want to get hold of.

Examples of Information Design

Some examples of Information Design include:

  • Maps/Directories - Giving us a form of visual navigation and helps users locate a specific destination

  • Street Signs - Gives users a sense of location

  • Graphs - gives users statistical information that has been measured in some way

  • Advertisements - comes in forms of print, signage, video, audio and web. Advertisments give users information about a product/event, visual design playing a big part in the way the information is portrayed.

Instructional Design

Instructional Design and information design are two very close things, but instructional design gives users a list of commands, steps or what has to be done to achieve a certain goal. It allows users to learn things The instructions must be precise and understandable to the audience. It would be much easier for a user to interpret instructions if they came in steps rather than one giant paragraph.

Users can be the ones to receive or even give the instructions, but that is not always the case. A user can command what they want a computer to do, like open a program, delete a file etc.

Examples of Instructional Design

Instructional Design can come in forms of programs, tutorials, books etc. They always involve user interaction of some sort.

Some Examples include:

  • Instructables - a website open to the world and allows users to post up DIYs, How To's and Show and Tells.

  • Recipe Books - gives users a set of commands on how to create a food type

  • GPS - GPS Devices are a new level to our everyday. Interactive in many ways as well as providing the user with instructions on how to get to a certain destination

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